Rogue trader planet generator
Rogue trader planet generator

rogue trader planet generator

There is a 50% chance the bottle is labeled d100% of the liquid remains. AUSPEX- As per Dark Heresy Rulebook p.150.ĪUTO QUILL- As per Dark Heresy Rulebook p.150.īACKPACK- As per Dark Heresy Rulebook, p.146 roll 1d5+1 more times for contents, ignoring this result if it occurs again.īAG OF BALL BEARINGS- If dumped on the floor, these cover a 1d2 meter radius anyone taking more than a single Move Action through the covered area must make a Challenging Agility test or fall.īOOK- (roll %) 01-20: Penthrift Dreadful (Inquisitor’s Handbook p127), 21-40: religious allegory, 41-60: military history, 61-80: local history, 81-99: biography of a famous Imperial hero, 00: a Dismal Text (details should be tailored to the current scenario).īOTTLE OF LIQUID- (roll %) 01: This is the Good Stuff- high-end amasec! 02-20: mid-grade alcohol, 21-60: rotgut booze, 61-90: lubricant (mildly toxic Challenging Awareness test to tell it’s not booze), 91-00: vermicide (highly toxic Routine Awareness test to determine as much).

Rogue trader planet generator